
What is boxing? Boxing can be the best decision you make for yourself!

Boxing can be the best decision you make for yourself!

What is boxing? What’s the point of boxing? Can it really make a change in my life?

If you  don’t know anything about boxing or have never boxed before; & you have always been curious, Let me introduce you to one of the most AMAZING sport you can get yourself in.

The sport has been around for centuries, and has been traced back thousands of years back in time. It’s a contact sport, where two people punch each other for a predetermined time. Usually boxers wear gloves & sometimes headgear.

Now what is the point of boxing? The thought of being punched is usually not ideal for many people & you know what? That is okay. Boxing may not be for everyone, but everyone should at least try it once. I am not saying you should go buy your gloves & wraps & become a professional fighter. No. Boxing can also be used just for fitness & for fun. “Getting Fit Without Getting Hit!” is one of our modo her at South Beach Boxing. It’is not only great for losing weight, it is also a great stress reliever. Stress is the number one killer out there and boxing can literally save your life! Boxing also can tone you up while losing unwanted fat & can also build strong bones.

Jolie's Kids


So how can boxing change your life? Well, if you have always dreamed of having a great body; boxing can get you to your goals real quick! One of the benefits is core stability. Not only would you get abs from boxing, but a strong core as well. You are constantly engaging your whole body! Anything that causes your body to become unstable requires your core muscles to work harder to keep you balanced. It requires lots of fast rotational movements and these core muscles will develop to allow you to punch hard without losing your balance.



If have ever had a goal to run a marathon & you think to yourself, “oh I can never, because I can’t last AT ALL!” Boxing can really help with your endurance. During our classes we put you through intense training with lots of interval, strength, plyometric (explosive) & conditioning training. You will always get faster, stronger, & better while being consistent with boxing. Now what if you never had the courage to run a marathon. It also helps with your confidence to go out & do the things that you want to do. We have so many members here that has gained their confidence just by coming to South Beach Boxing. Has even lead people to do the so called, “impossible.” If you don’t believe me read our spotlights, where we introduce the world to our special member of the month.


If you are looking for a good change in your life, try out boxing. It’s AMAZING for many things & can help in ALL aspects of your life. If you want a nice body, or confidence, or even learning self defense. It’s an amazing sport & has constantly changed people’s lives for various of reasons. Are you going to be one of those people? It’s your decision, & you should make the right decision (;




If you are looking for an AMAZING, results driven gym, give us a call @ (305) 712-6041 & we will get you into a FREE class (1st timers with proof of local ID). We are located in Miami Beach & are entering our 20th year of business at the same 715 Washington Ave location; AND soon we will have a location near you – as we’re OFTEN COPIED – NEVER DUPLICATED………….’til NOW!