

I was looking to get in shape and have a gym that I can connect with. I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed by work and not getting my regular work out in. I have trained in MMA before when I lived in California and I really wanted  to get back into it. A lot of the gyms in South Beach are so stuffy and pretentious. I did some research and saw how raw and real Sobe Boxing  was. I also loved Jolie (another Calif girl) and Marvin as soon as I came in as they were so friendly and welcoming. Since that first day, I knew it was the place I would be training for the rest of time. 

It didn’t take me long to come in, as soon as I heard of the free first class, I came in immediately. I signed up right after since the classes were so diverse. I came in for Muay Thai and saw there were technical classes, boxing, boot camp, and more! 

I have been coming for a year already and the time has flown by! The friendships I have made here and connections seem like a life time, but I have been having so much fun it doesn’t feel  like a year. 

Every week when I come, I get a sense of camaraderie and union when I come- especially in the early morning 7am classes. We all walk in tired and ready to kick butt in class! But the reason I wake up every day is because the trainer Bojan and people who attend the class really brighten up my day every time I come. 

What I tell other non-members is that you should just try the gym! Just try it, no matter what shape or form, you’re going to love it. It’s also a great place to meet like minded, healthy and motivated people. The beach can be hard to find good people, and this is the place with REAL people and REAL results. 

In the end, my results on my body have become so toned and I am able to stay fit here. People at the gym hold me accountable and inspire me to be the best me. Without this gym, I would be a completely different person and the results don’t just show when I am inside the gym, the really show the moment I step outside! Thanks to SOBE boxing, I am able to consistently live a healthy and happy life! 

Thanks SOBE boxing, love you guys!